• Hendrik Bulens

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What's new in Dime.Scheduler: October 2024 update

๐Ÿ‘‰ Click here to watch the release video ๐Ÿ“บ.

What a great month has September was for us. We released a new version of Dime.Scheduler, we hosted several webinars and we had many go-lives. In the meantime, we prepared another release of Dime.Scheduler, which I'm glad to report has been live for about a week now!

The October update is similar to the September edition with a number of new features, performance boosts, and some bug fixes.

Among the 19 items included in this release, the most noteworthy are:

  • Update the visual indicators of appointments from the mobile app.
  • Clickable hyperlinks parsed from the appointment's body.
  • Select the Dime.Scheduler environment in the mobile app's login screen.
  • An experimental feature that renders the background color of rows in data grids based on the category of the job, task, or appointment.
  • Links section in the context menu in the Gantt chart.

No action is required from our partners; the update has been deployed and is available on both the sandbox and production environments.

A new version is already on the way and updates will be made available to the sandbox environment soon, so stay tuned for more!

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About the author

Hendrik Bulens is Managing Partner at Dime Software and leads the Dime.Scheduler product team. His many years of experience as a consultant and passion for business and technology have helped shape Dime.Scheduler into what it is today and define where it is headed.

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Hendrik Bulens